We're going to look at shootings and homicides from the Tribune's internal database and group them by community area. This expands on the example in the "Shootings and homicides within the Austin community area" notebook because it gets data for all community areas and uses a spatial index so we don't have to loop through all the community areas for each incident.
First, we need to get the community area boundaries.
In [1]:
import requests
def get_chicago_community_areas():
url = 'https://data.cityofchicago.org/api/geospatial/cauq-8yn6?method=export&format=GeoJSON'
resp = requests.get(url, verify=False)
return resp.json()
community_areas = get_chicago_community_areas()
Now, let's convert the GeoJSON dicts to shapes that we can use to look up which community area a shooting or homicide is in
In [2]:
from shapely.geometry import shape
# Get the shapes as a map between community area number and shape as we'll need the IDs anyway to build our index later
community_area_shapes = {int(f['properties']['area_num_1']): shape(f['geometry']) for f in community_areas['features']}
community_area_properties = {int(f['properties']['area_num_1']): f['properties'] for f in community_areas['features']}
Build a spatial index of community areas
In [3]:
from rtree import index
communty_area_index = index.Index()
for ca_number, ca_shape in community_area_shapes.items():
communty_area_index.add(ca_number, ca_shape.bounds, obj=community_area_properties[ca_number])
Let's spot check our index, just because the coordinate format, (left, bottom, right, top)
is a little confusing to me.
In [4]:
from shapely.geometry import Point
def point_to_bounds(point):
Convert a point to a bounding box
It makes sense to represent points as an x,y pair, but RTree only operates
on bounding boxes. Convert the point to a bounding box where left == right
and top == bottom.
return (point[0], point[1], point[0], point[1])
def get_community_area(point, ca_idx, ca_shapes):
areas = []
for n in ca_idx.intersection(point_to_bounds(point), objects=True):
ca_number = int(n.object['area_num_1'])
ca_shape = ca_shapes[ca_number]
if ca_shape.contains(Point(*point)):
return areas
# Turkey Chop is a restaurant that is most definitely in Humboldt Park
# Let's use it to spot-check our index
turkey_chop_coords = [-87.7141142377237, 41.8955710581678]
turkey_chop_ca = get_community_area(turkey_chop_coords, communty_area_index, community_area_shapes)
assert turkey_chop_ca[0]['community'] == "HUMBOLDT PARK"
Now, let's get some data from NewsroomDB, the Tribune's internal database of homicides and shootings
In [5]:
import os
import requests
# Some constants
# A big object to hold all our data between steps
data = {}
def get_table_url(table_name, base_url=NEWSROOMDB_URL):
return '{}table/json/{}'.format(base_url, table_name)
def get_table_data(table_name):
url = get_table_url(table_name)
r = requests.get(url)
return r.json()
print("Request failed. Probably because the response is huge. We should fix this.")
return get_table_data(table_name)
data['shooting_victims'] = get_table_data('shootings')
print("Loaded {} shooting victims".format(len(data['shooting_victims'])))
data['homicides'] = get_table_data('homicides')
print("Loaded {} homicides".format(len(data['homicides'])))
Let's create PANDAS dataframes out of the loaded data
In [6]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data['shooting_victims_df'] = pd.DataFrame(data['shooting_victims'])
data['homicides_df'] = pd.DataFrame(data['homicides'])
Parse the date fields into Python date objects for easier analysis and make separate month and year columns to make grouping easier.
In [7]:
from datetime import datetime
def parse_date(s):
return datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
except ValueError:
return None
data['shooting_victims_df']['Date'] = data['shooting_victims_df']['Date'].apply(parse_date)
data['shooting_victims_df']['month'] = data['shooting_victims_df']['Date'].apply(lambda x: x.month if x else None)
data['shooting_victims_df']['year'] = data['shooting_victims_df']['Date'].apply(lambda x: x.year if x else None)
We'll start with shootings. Assign each shooting to a community area using the index we built earlier.
In [8]:
import pprint
import re
def parse_coordinates(coordinate_str):
"""Convert a lat, lng string to a pair of lng, lat floats"""
lat, lng = [float(c) for c in re.sub(r'[\(\) ]', '', coordinate_str).split(',')]
return lng, lat
shooting_victim_community_areas = {}
for victim in data['shooting_victims']:
coords = parse_coordinates(victim['Geocode Override'])
except ValueError:
shooting_victim_community_areas[victim['_id']] = '__invalid__'
ca = get_community_area(coords, communty_area_index, community_area_shapes)
if len(ca) == 0:
shooting_victim_community_areas[victim['_id']] = '__invalid__'
print("No community area found for record with coordinates {}".format(coords))
elif len(ca) > 1:
raise ValueError("Multiple community areas found for record with coordinates {}".format(coords))
shooting_victim_community_areas[victim['_id']] = ca[0]['community']
data['shooting_victim_community_areas'] = pd.DataFrame([{'_id': k, 'community': v} for k, v in shooting_victim_community_areas.items()])
Join the community area to the shooting victims data
In [9]:
data['shooting_victims_df__with_ca'] = data['shooting_victims_df'].merge(
And count the victims by community area, year and month
In [32]:
data['shooting_victims_by_ca'] = pd.DataFrame(data['shooting_victims_df__with_ca'].groupby(['community', 'year', 'month']).size())
Let's just look at March 2016 shooting victims
In [33]:
df = data['shooting_victims_by_ca']
df[(df.index.get_level_values('year') == 2016) & (df.index.get_level_values('month') == 3)].sort_values(by=0, ascending=False)
How did March Humboldt Park shootings look over time?
In [34]:
df = data['shooting_victims_by_ca']
df[(df.index.get_level_values('community') == "HUMBOLDT PARK") & (df.index.get_level_values('month') == 3)]
In [ ]: